The entrance of Paul Cezanne's Atelier
Paul Cezanne(1839-1906) who was a French artist and the one of the Post-Imprressionists worked every morning in this studio from 1902 until his death in 1906.
Darrin by the main door
I bought a few post cards of the Cezanne's paining.
This is very well-maintained Cezanne's studio on the second floor, safekeeping the objects he treasured, the models of his last still lives, his furniture and his work tools.
Looking up the tree in the garden, green leaves were gleaming with the bright blue sky. It's so pretty!
A narrow road passes secretively among the trees in the front yard.
Darrin setting up the timer of his camera
Taking a good rest under the tree
Darrin and I drove up to another spot of the attractions, Painter's Ground to see Sainte-Victorie mountain.
It was very pleasant to walk up to the hill, having such an amazing view.
Aix-en Provence has created the Painter's Ground on top of the hill facing the Saint-Victorie mountain, displaying nine reproductions of his painting series, Saint-Victories.
Beautiful scenery spread out before my eyes.
Paul Cezzane painted 44 oil paintings and 43 water-colours of the Sainte-Victorie mountain.
Here's the one of them.
Mont Sainte-Victorie (1885-1887)